Sunday, May 26, 2013

Branding - (and not with a coward's shame)

I see that people are styling themselves as "rationalists" and "progressives" - and that's just adorable. Since you can apparently call yourself anything you want to without proof, I will be establishing the "AWESOMIST" community very soon. 

It doesn't matter what we believe or whether we agree because we're just flat-out better than you. We don't even mock your amusing beliefs because we're better than that, too.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Gitchy gitchy ya ya here

Gitchy gitchy ya ya here

That not very useful phrase popped into my mind today and it took all of five seconds to find out what song it came from. Slow typing.

It occurred to me that my world view is much different than that of anyone who grew up after search engines were available. I had hundreds of questions that went unanswered because the adults around me weren't omniscient. It's not that the questions were important but the experience of adult failure was. As a result I grew up thinking that I'd have to figure many things out on my own. I also found the idea that the people in charge "know better" hilarious. It's something we occasionally pretend to believe but never take seriously deep down.

Contrast this with the life of someone who grew up thinking that Mommy and Daddy may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but an appeal to the great God Google will answer all (correctly phrased) questions. So what happens to them when Google decides that "Search" is like "Reader", not a core product?

Panic in the streets. Witch burning. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you The Dark Ages.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Photo Credit: Sickle used to cut wheat by hand © Wimbledon Windmill Museum

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Calm Sea

I started playing around with and thought I'd stick the .jpgs I created up here.