Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Few Ground Rules

I have already met my goal by creating this, the world's most obscure blog. It's called The Deserved Obscurity Blog and I aim to maintain that high standard. So please do *not* link to it, cite it or otherwise advertise its presence. It won't be worth clicking on frequently as I plan to only post to it when I feel I have something worth writing about.

I have pretty high standards so posting should be infrequent. I'd suggest that if you somehow stumble over this and feel a compelling need to keep track of it, that you use RSS or some equivalent that will save you clicking here and being disappointed by inactivity. I don't want to waste your valuable time.

I don't have a twitter account or a Facebook account and am interested in neither following nor being followed.  Think of this as an experiment in asocial media.

You can do your part by not encouraging bad behavior on my part. Please don't email me imploring me to write more. Willpower is apparently a finite asset and I don't want to wake up some morning to find out that I've been "checking in" somewhere in the deluded belief that anyone in the universe cares deeply about my current physical location. Or what I had for lunch... That way lies madness.

Thank you for your inattention, we now resume regularly scheduled programming.